How to Get Carpet to Lay Flat: A Complete Guide to Fixing Buckles and Wrinkles

How to Get Carpet to Lay Flat: A Complete Guide to Fixing Buckles and Wrinkles

If you’ve ever noticed your carpet bunching up, wrinkling, or forming ridges, you might wonder, how can you get your carpet to lay flat again? This is a common issue for many homeowners, whether it’s a new carpet or one that’s been in place for years. The good news is, with the right techniques and tools, you can fix these carpet issues and restore a smooth, flat surface that enhances both the look and safety of your home.

In this article, we’ll explore the main causes of carpet wrinkling or buckling, offer step-by-step instructions on how to fix it, and discuss preventive measures to ensure your carpet stays flat for years to come. Along the way, we’ll also cite expert advice from industry professionals and provide practical tips based on real experiences.

How to Get Carpet to Lay Flat: A Complete Guide to Fixing Buckles and Wrinkles

Why Does Carpet Wrinkle or Buckle?

Before diving into how to fix a carpet that won’t lay flat, it’s important to understand why this happens in the first place. Wrinkles, buckles, or bumps in the carpet can be caused by several factors, ranging from installation issues to environmental influences. Here’s a breakdown of the most common causes:

Improper Installation

Carpet installation requires skill and precision. If a carpet isn’t stretched properly during installation, it’s likely to wrinkle or buckle over time. Stretching is crucial to ensure the carpet fibers are taut and secure across the room. The use of inadequate tools, such as a knee kicker instead of a power stretcher, can result in a carpet that isn’t stretched enough.

Humidity and Moisture

Changes in humidity can also affect the shape and fit of your carpet. Carpets made of natural fibers are particularly susceptible to moisture, causing them to expand and contract as humidity levels rise and fall. This often leads to buckling, especially if the carpet was not stretched tightly during installation.

Heavy Traffic and Furniture

Heavy foot traffic or frequent movement of furniture can cause wear and tear on the carpet fibers, leading to wrinkles or lumps over time. Additionally, placing heavy furniture on an improperly stretched carpet can cause it to shift or wrinkle.

Temperature Changes

Extreme changes in temperature can also affect the elasticity of your carpet, causing it to shrink or expand. If you’ve had a significant change in the room’s temperature—such as installing a new HVAC system—it can impact the carpet’s flatness.


This occurs when the adhesive that holds the carpet backing in place breaks down, causing the carpet fibers to separate from the backing. Delamination can lead to rippling and make it difficult for the carpet to lay flat.

Age of Carpet

Older carpets tend to lose their structural integrity over time. After years of use, even high-quality carpets can start to wrinkle or bunch as the fibers weaken.

How to Get Carpet to Lay Flat Again: Step-by-Step Solutions

Now that we understand why carpets buckle or wrinkle, let’s discuss how to get your carpet to lay flat again. Depending on the severity of the issue, you may be able to fix it yourself, or you may need to hire a professional.

Solution 1: Re-Stretching the Carpet

If your carpet is buckling or has ridges, the most common fix is to re-stretch it. Re-stretching pulls the carpet tight, eliminating wrinkles and restoring its flat appearance. This is a professional solution, but you can try it yourself if you have the right tools.

Tools Needed:
  • Power stretcher
  • Carpet kicker (optional)
  • Carpet knife
  • Tack strips (if old ones are damaged)
  • Staple gun
  • Carpet seam roller
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Remove Furniture: Clear the area of all furniture to give you full access to the carpet.
  2. Detach Carpet from Tack Strip: Use a carpet knife to carefully pull the carpet edges away from the tack strip along the perimeter of the room. Be careful not to damage the carpet fibers or the underlying padding.
  3. Use a Power Stretcher: Starting from one corner of the room, use a power stretcher to pull the carpet tight. Make sure you stretch the carpet across the room evenly. Power stretchers are more effective than knee kickers, which can only stretch small areas at a time and may not provide enough tension for large rooms.
  4. Reattach to Tack Strip: Once you’ve stretched the carpet, press the edges back onto the tack strip to secure it in place. You may need to trim any excess carpet with a carpet knife if the stretch has created extra material at the edges.
  5. Roll and Smooth: Use a carpet seam roller to smooth out the stretched carpet and ensure there are no remaining wrinkles. This will also help secure the carpet onto the tack strip.
  6. Trim Excess Carpet: Once the carpet is secured and smooth, trim any extra edges with a carpet knife.
  7. Replace Furniture: After ensuring that the carpet is lying flat, you can move the furniture back into place.

Note: If you don’t have access to a power stretcher, consider renting one from a home improvement store or hiring a professional to do the job.

Solution 2: Iron and Towel Method for Small Wrinkles

If the wrinkles or buckles are minor, you can try the iron and towel method. This is a simple DIY technique to remove wrinkles from the carpet using heat and moisture.

What You’ll Need:
  • A clean, damp towel
  • Iron
  • Carpet roller
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Dampen the Towel: Wet a towel and wring out any excess water so that it is damp but not soaking wet.
  2. Place Towel Over Wrinkle: Lay the damp towel directly over the wrinkled area of the carpet.
  3. Heat with Iron: Set your iron to a medium heat setting. Place the iron on top of the towel for 10-15 seconds at a time. The heat and moisture will relax the carpet fibers and help the wrinkles flatten out.
  4. Use Carpet Roller: After heating the area, use a carpet roller or heavy object to smooth out the wrinkle. Repeat this process over all wrinkled sections of the carpet.

Note: Be careful not to let the iron touch the carpet directly, as it can burn the fibers.

Solution 3: Apply Heat to Large Wrinkles

If your carpet has large wrinkles, another option is to use a heat treatment. Heat relaxes the carpet fibers, making them easier to stretch and lay flat. However, this method should be done carefully to avoid damaging the carpet.

Tools Needed:
  • Hairdryer or heat gun
  • Heavy objects (books, furniture)
  • Carpet roller
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Heat the Carpet: Use a hairdryer or heat gun to gently warm the wrinkled area. Keep the heat source about 6-12 inches from the carpet to avoid burning it.
  2. Smooth with Roller: As you heat the carpet, use a carpet roller or your hands to smooth out the wrinkle. The heat will relax the fibers and make it easier for the carpet to lay flat.
  3. Weigh It Down: Once the carpet is smooth, place heavy objects on top of the flattened areas to help it stay in place as it cools.
  4. Let It Set: Leave the heavy objects in place for several hours or overnight to ensure the carpet remains flat.

Solution 4: Using Double-Sided Carpet Tape for Area Rugs

If you’re dealing with a smaller area rug or a section of wall-to-wall carpet that’s constantly shifting, using double-sided carpet tape can help keep it in place and prevent further buckling.

What You’ll Need:
  • Double-sided carpet tape
  • Scissors
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Apply the Tape: Cut strips of double-sided carpet tape and apply them to the back of the rug or along the edges of the wrinkled area.
  2. Press in Place: Firmly press the rug or carpet back into place, smoothing out any wrinkles as you go.
  3. Trim Excess Tape: Trim any excess tape that may be sticking out.

Double-sided tape is an easy fix for keeping area rugs in place, but it’s not ideal for larger wall-to-wall carpets with significant wrinkles.

How to Prevent Future Carpet Buckling or Wrinkling

Once you’ve managed to get your carpet to lay flat, it’s important to take steps to prevent the issue from happening again in the future. Here are some preventive measures you can implement:

Regular Maintenance

Routine vacuuming and cleaning can help maintain the integrity of the carpet fibers. Regular vacuuming ensures that dirt and debris don’t accumulate, which can weigh down the fibers and contribute to buckling over time.

Humidity Control

Since changes in humidity can cause carpet fibers to expand and contract, keeping your home’s humidity levels stable is crucial. Consider using a dehumidifier in the summer and a humidifier in the winter if you live in an area with extreme temperature and humidity fluctuations.

Use of Carpet Pads

Installing a high-quality carpet pad underneath your carpet can help keep it in place and prevent it from shifting. Carpet pads also add an extra layer of insulation and cushioning, which helps reduce wear and tear over time.

Avoid Dragging Heavy Furniture

Dragging heavy furniture across the carpet can pull on the fibers and cause wrinkles. Instead, lift furniture when moving it, or use furniture sliders to minimize damage to the carpet.

Install Carpet with a Power Stretcher

If you’re installing new carpet or re-stretching your current one, always insist that a power stretcher is used during the installation process. A properly stretched carpet is far less likely to wrinkle or buckle over time.

Professional vs. DIY: When to Call a Carpet Expert

While some carpet wrinkles and buckles can be fixed with DIY methods, larger or more complicated issues may require professional help. Here’s a quick guide on when to call in a professional:

DIY Is Sufficient When:

  • Wrinkles or buckles are minor and confined to small areas.
  • The carpet is still in good condition and hasn’t suffered significant wear and tear.
  • You have the tools and time to complete the job (such as a power stretcher for large wrinkles).

Call a Professional When:

  • The wrinkles or buckles are widespread and cover large areas.
  • The carpet is old and showing signs of delamination.
  • You don’t have access to the necessary tools, like a power stretcher, or don’t feel comfortable tackling the project yourself.

Many carpet professionals have years of experience in handling these issues and can often resolve the problem faster and more efficiently than attempting a DIY approach. Additionally, if your carpet has a warranty, it’s important to check whether hiring a professional is required to maintain that warranty.

Conclusion: Keep Your Carpet Smooth and Flat

Getting your carpet to lay flat again may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach and tools, you can restore its appearance and longevity. Whether you opt for DIY methods like re-stretching or heat treatment, or decide to call in a professional, understanding the causes and solutions to carpet buckling is key.

By regularly maintaining your carpet, controlling humidity levels, and ensuring proper installation techniques, you can avoid future wrinkles and enjoy a smooth, comfortable surface in your home for years to come.

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